
This feature of Guardian allows users to apply to join a server by answering a set of pre-determined application questions, which are sent by the bot. Once the user completes the application, the bot compiles their responses and sends them to a specified application channel for administrator review.

There are two actions that can be taken by the administrators upon receiving an application: Accept and Deny. If an application is accepted, the bot creates a thread in the interview channel with the user's name as the thread topic and notifies the user that they have been asked for an interview. The thread includes the users and admins who interacted with the application.

On the other hand, if an application is denied, the bot shows a modal that asks for the reason for denying the application. If a reason is submitted, the bot sends it to the user. However, if the modal doesn't receive a response within 60 seconds, it times out and resets the application.

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